The Aaron Renn Show

The Truth About Online Dating (Masculinist #50)

Aaron Renn

This is the audio edition of Newsletter #50, all about online dating. It reviews the facts revealed through various studies of online dating markets. (This issue is very chart intensive, so it is worth looking at online even though I describe the contents of the charts in this audiocast.

I also discuss how online dating represents the "globalization" of the dating market, with similar impacts to economic globalization in producing high levels of inequality. And I note how the way these sites are skewed towards looks, and the dynamics of responses to women can make online dating an unfavorable environment to men who are not in the top 10-20% of men in terms of looks.

Online dating is a tool and there's no shame in using it. The point is that to make intelligent choices around online dating, we need to be aware of the dynamics of how it actually functions.

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