The Aaron Renn Show
Aaron Renn's commentary and insights on our 21st century world, along with his conversations with some of the world's leading thinkers on the issues of today. Covering culture, media, economics, politics, Christianity and men's issues.
The Aaron Renn Show
RYAN WILLIAMS: How to Run a Dissident Think Tank
Ryan Williams is the president of the Claremont Institute. Claremont is the institutional base of West Coast Straussianism, and has long been known for its fellowship programs and quarterly journal The Claremont Review of Books. It has attracted controversy in the Trump era for its willingness to engage with dissident ideas. It published the mega-viral "The Flight 93 Election Essay" and also the first mainstream review of the book Bronze Age Mindset. Williams joins me to talk about Claremont and how they've navigated our new political world.
Claremont Institute: https://www.claremont.org/
The Flight 93 Election: https://claremontreviewofbooks.com/digital/the-flight-93-election/
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