The Aaron Renn Show
Aaron Renn's commentary and insights on our 21st century world, along with his conversations with some of the world's leading thinkers on the issues of today. Covering culture, media, economics, politics, Christianity and men's issues.
The Aaron Renn Show
JOHN LOVELL: The Warrior Poet Way
Aaron Renn
John Lovell joins me to discuss his new book The Warrior Poet Way: A Guide to Living Free and Dying Well. Lovell is a former Army Ranger, combat veteran, and missionary. He runs the popular Youtube channel The Warrior Poet Society.
Buy The Warrior Poet Way: https://www.amazon.com/Warrior-Poet-Way-Guide-Living/dp/0593541847/
John Lovell's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorPoetSociety
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